
Neon Button




Neon Button

From defence r&d to open source

Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape

ExaFuse leverages the experience of pioneering ​researchers as a spin-off of the DoD Advanced ​Energetics Research Group. We’re moving the art ​of the possible in nuclear science, plasma ​physics and condensed matter disciplines with ​demonstrated wins under the belt.

Frontier physics R D

Nuclear ​breakthrough

Demonstrated control over the alpha-decay ​process: We’ve unlocked a range of high-​energy fuels for low cost nuclear battery ​technology as well as conventional nuclear.

world’s first​ halogen​ reactor

Callan-Rubikov mediated energy release.

...coming soon.

Bridge institutional ​& fringe physics

We recognise that experimental ​breakthroughs likely emerge from fringe ​physics. We assess and support on merit ​through our Open Source Fund. (imageMFMP)

why enable us


Breakthrough energy efficiency gives the highest Energy Return On Investment.

established agile team

We execute R&D not Red Tape and Decision Briefs. Small & Effective.


Consensus is where creativity dies: Academia is slow & DoD research is effects-based. We set the culture and conditions for constructive science

for the benefit of humanity.

Our technical roadmap is clear,

for the first time in 35 years we can say we understand the fundamental processes relevant to Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

Our core r D team

Designed and built the guidance technology in JWST and most US national satellites in orbit today.

Northrop | LANL | UOM

Sidney-Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance

Dr Dennis Pease

Wrote the book on guageless electrodynamics. Lead experimentalist and responsible for catalyzed alpha decay breakthrough. Superconductor theory, specialist and previous battery company CTO.



CERN physicist with D0 and SLAC BaBar experience, his rich experimental background compliments the Perimeter Institute theoretical contributions on condensate dynamics. Bob was contracted to the Air Force Adv Energetics Research Group in 2023.

Dr Bob McElrath

Let s chat



CEO ExaFuse
